Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hockey Game & Dinner

Old Boys and the new team... Old against Young... Experience against Power...eee...ok..let's cut the crap

the hockey game was just an excuse to go drinking afterwards..

Great fun, loads of beer, loads of food... and for presents we got t-shirts for kids (for ages 8-12) thats we had to wear around London...

ooohh... we lost 6-3, but hey, who cares??

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back to the UK

so...after 5 days in Cyprus I am back in the UK. Holidays were great...loads of food, coffees and going out...

if you see the ads for cyprus on TV, they say: "Cyprus - the island of all seasons". Well, it's true...on saturday went on a friend's boat out in the sea and at night went to the mountains where there was snow...just perfect :) :)

and now back to much to do, so little time

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I am going to Cyprus for a few days to can all join me.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Party at Beaufort House

Hmmm...the fact that I did not take a camera was a bit stupid...

this is the only pic we took...

and noooo...we were not drunk :P

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I am a Dr can trust me...

They liked me... they really liked me... :)

Ancient Cypriots fed olive oil to furnaces-study

It is praised for its culinary and health properties by any cook worth his salt, but long before olive oil made it into the Mediterranean diet Cypriots used it as fuel to melt copper, archaeologists say.

Italian researchers have discovered that environmentally friendly olive oil was used in furnaces at a site in southern Cyprus up to 4,000 years ago, instead of the fume-belching charcoal used in industry for hundreds of years since.

Described as "liquid gold" by the ancient Greek poet Homer, olive oil has long been associated with grooming, pampering and the religious rites of the ancients, but not - at least in the Mediterranean - with heavy industry.

"We know that olive oil made it into our food around 1,000 BC, but it is the first time we have laboratory evidence that it was used in smelting as a fuel," archaeologist Maria Rosaria Belgiorno told Reuters.

Cyprus was famed in antiquity for its copper and is believed to have given its name to the Latin term for the metal, Cuprum.

Read the rest of the article here...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Viva Party

If all goes well, you are all invited for a party at:

Beaufort House
354 King's Road, Chelsea,
London, SW3 5UZ

See you all there at 9pm.

Monday, March 06, 2006

3 days to go for my viva....

so i will either be a Dr... or I wil lfail.... lol :) :)